The Deep Conversation at Ci2016 will be an opportunity to share in-depth viewpoints with world class thought leaders about key issues, challenges and opportunities. The session will be facilitated by an excellent moderator.
Grand Ballroom, Sofitel Melbourne On Collins
Deep Conversation
over Lunch
Dr Daniel Kraft (USA)
Martin Ford (USA)
Ramez Naam (USA)
Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro (Japan)
Dr Abigail Allwood (USA)
Scott Anthony (Singapore)
Professor Tanya Monro
and the audience
The positive potential of exponential change amazes us. Imagine autonomous vehicles making life more efficient, or precision medicine dramatically increasing life expectancy. Exponential change, however, places clear stress on society and raises numerous questions. How, for example, will we deal with the ethical implications of genetic manipulation? How will we re-train and re-trench the millions of workers that will be automated out of jobs? What is the right taxation and redistribution framework to encourage innovation and growth while avoiding the creation of a permanent underclass?
In the last 150 years schools, hospitals, and government agencies have played a central role in addressing these kinds of issues. However, too many of these institutions are now mired in bureaucracy, and seem utterly incapable of changing at the pace and scale required to confront the existential challenges of exponential innovation.
How might existing institutions transform from stodgy bureaucracies to more dynamic organizations, without losing noble goals of inclusiveness?
What new institutions do we need, and who will rise to the challenge of creating and managing these institutions?
How might we make it as enticing for top young talent to apply their capabilities to these issues as it is for them to join the latest hot startup?
Leading expert on the robot revolution, artificial intelligence and job automation
Faculty Chair Medicine & Neuroscience Singularity University/Founder&Chair Exponential Medicine
Named one of the top 100 geniuses alive in the world today
Computer scientist, futurist, award-winning author
Astrobiologist, Jet Propulsion Lab, NASA; principal investigator on a Mars mission
Disruptive innovation expert and Managing Partner of Innosight
Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research and Innovation and ARC Georgina Sweet Laureate Fellow