1 April 2019, 2:15pm – 4:45pm
An organisation is a complex composition of living individuals. Just as bodily cells organise to form organs, which in turn connect to form systems making up the human organism, an organisation can also be viewed as a functional living organism.
The living organisation co-exists within an ecosystem (the market) where it needs to use its collective capacity in the form of knowledge, skills and expertise to allocate resources, through high-end innovation and then use a moral and goal-directed guide to distribute these resources fairly to stay alive, survive and to ultimately thrive.
A core capacity of any living organism/organisation is resilience. Resilience forms the springboard to enable and accelerate high-end innovation.
The analogies are so striking that intricate knowledge and understanding of the brain/body system; how it builds resilience and how the brain enables high-end innovation, provides profound new insights for professionals and leaders to harness and optimise the human capacity of any organisation.
- The basics of the Brain/Body System
- What resilience is and how it drives innovation
- How a resilient mindset prepares the organisation for high-end innovation in a rapidly evolving world
- How the brain innovates
- Insights and practical insights to enhance resilience for high-end innovation
Dr Etienne van der Walt, is an accomplished neurologist, co-founder and thought leader of Neurozone. He led the team at Neurozone who developed the Neurozone model of brain performance and the behavioural code for high performance, combining neuroscience, biometrics and data-analytics. The products derived from these findings are widely used today to enhance human capacity. Etienne delivers keynotes and presentations internationally, explaining how the brain/body system can be optimised for high-end innovation. Etienne lives in Cape Town, South Africa.