Gabrielle Dolan & Yamini Naidu are co-founders and Directors of One Thousand & One. One Thousand & One is Australia’s first organisational storytelling company and helps companies increase performance through storytelling.
16 November (9.30am – 12.30pm) including morning refreshments
Stories and storytelling can inspire, influence, motivate and engage people where logic and bullet points may not. Think of your own experience. Isn’t it always the story, the anecdote, the example that you remember long after the event?
Organisational storytelling is storytelling with a business purpose and for business results. Whatever it is you are trying to do in business, whether you are leading people, managing change, influencing the board or building your career, we guarantee that storytelling can help you do it better. Storytelling is the creative solution to your business challenges, yet you don’t have to be creative to be a good storyteller!
In this practical, interactive workshop, you will: