Brendan Boyle

Brendan Boyle

USA, Partner IDEO, Professor Design Thinking at the d. School at Stanford University

Deep Conversation:
‘Is this the death of education and the dawn of learning?’ (Nov. 16, 10.00am – 12.30pm)
Afternoon Master Class:
‘Principles of Design Thinking’ (Nov. 16, 2.00 – 5.00pm)
‘The principles of design thinking and the power of play’ (Nov. 18, 3.40pm)

Brendan Boyle, a Partner at IDEO, is passionate about promoting entrepreneurial thinking. Throughout his career, Brendan has invented and licensed more than 150 consumer products, specializing in the design of kid-centric goods, services, and experiences. His background and interests led him to start Skyline, a toy development company that was acquired by IDEO and ultimately became IDEO’s Toy Lab. He also co-authored The Klutz Book of Inventions.

Beyond IDEO, Brendan works as a consulting Associate Professor at Stanford University’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford (a.k.a. the, where he teaches “From Play to Innovation,” a course he created, and was named the Knight Favorite Professor. He serves on the Board of the National Institute for Play, a non-profit committed to bringing the knowledge, practices, and benefits of play into public life. Brendan holds a Master’s Degree from the Joint Program for Design at Stanford University and a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan State University.


Principles of Design Thinking
This class will give attendees exposure to the principles of design
thinking. The core of IDEO’s methodology and it’s success has been through
IDEO’s continued focus and development of design thinking. Brendan will
conduct an interactive hands-on session illustrating these principles of
innovation.  The practice of design thinking employs a combination of needs,
problems, insights, opportunities, and rapid prototyping in order to
routinely innovate.