Richard Hames

Richard Hames

President of Australia21; Founding Director of the Asian Foresight Institute

Recently described as one of this century’s most insightful corporate philosophers, Richard Hames is considered to be one of the most influential intellectuals and strategic knowledge designers in the world today.

Chairman of The Hames Group, Founding Director of the Asian Foresight Institute and a Founding Partner in The Constellation, Richard works internationally as an adviser to governments and with many of the world’s most innovative and entrepreneurial business corporations.

He is personal adviser and mentor to heads of state, government ministers, Boards and CEOs in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe and South America.

A celebrated speaker and writer, Richard is also the author of several best-selling books including The Management Myth; Burying the 20th Century, and The Five Literacies of Global Leadership.

Richard is a Fellow of the World Academy of Art & Science, an adviser to the Climate Prosperity Alliance in New York and the Center for Human Emergence in The Hague, a director of State of the World Foundation Africa, and the inspiration behind Isaan New Life – a social venture aimed at stemming the traffic of young women and children into Bangkok’s sex industry by revitalizing community life in the north-east of Thailand and its immediate borders.