Powerful Strategies To Access Your Strength And Resilience To Avoid Following The Crowd!

Charles Kovess

Charles Kovess

Australia’s Passion Provocateur; Author: Passionate People Produce, and Passionate Performance, and co-author of The 7 Heavenly Virtues of Leadership.

28 November (9.00am – 12.00pm) including morning refreshments

In this Masterclass, Charles Kovess will inspire you, enthuse you, envision you, provoke you and teach you strategies and mechanisms that will increase your ability to access your strength and your resilience. Times are definitely changing and the demands on leaders are increasing. Imagine being able to ‘go with the flow’ that Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi so famously identified, and ‘flow’ with these demands! How can you stand out by behaving like most other leaders? It takes great courage to follow the beat of your own drum, and not follow the crowd. When you are different, you can experience ‘stand out’ results!

Key outcomes and issues to be covered include: