Charles Kovess

Charles Kovess

Australia’s Passion Provocateur

‘The Courage To Be Different: Powerful Strategies To Access Your Strength And Resilience To Avoid Following The Crowd!’ (November 28, 9.00am-12.00pm)

After 20 years of high level legal and business experience, Charles Kovess turned his back on the law in 1993 to share success strategies as a professional speaker, educator, facilitator and coach.  Charles has enthused and inspired many companies and individuals to achieve outstanding results by harnessing passion, and is known as Australasia’s Passion Provocateur. He is a graduate of both University of Melbourne (LL.B. (Hons)), and Monash University (LL.M.).

He has been President of the Australia-Hungary Chamber of Commerce & Industry for the past 20 years, and is a Certified Speaking Professional, Past National President of the National Speakers’ Association of Australia, and Trustee of the Global Energy Network Institute. Charles has authored two inspirational books, ‘Passionate People Produce’, and ‘Passionate Performance’, and is the co-author of ‘The 7 Heavenly Virtues of Leadership’.

Charles is not only passionate about the power of passion: he is also passionate about sustainable behaviours and sport! He is currently competing in his 28th consecutive season in triathlons; he qualified as an international water polo referee, played A Grade Amateur Football, and has completed nine marathons. He is the father of five children, aged from 30 to 18 months.