Morning Master Class:
‘The Change Lab: solving complex social problems through design thinking’ (November 28, 9.00am-12.00pm)
Steve Atkinson and Leigh Gassner are partners in Reos Partners, Melbourne. Reos Partners is an international organisation dedicated to supporting and building capacity for innovative collective action in complex social systems. Steve and Leigh focus on working with clients to co-design, facilitate and build multi-stakeholder interventions to innovatively tackle complex problems and innovate in new ways to realise unprecedented aspirations. They bring substantial expertise in large system reform across government, civil society and business. Recent work assignments include scoping a national scenario building assignment with Adam Kahane for the country of Thailand, designing a national scenario dialogue for Indigenous Australians, initiating a change lab intervention for finding new ways to tackle systemic problems in the child protection sector, facilitating an innovation forum for leading Australian to design workplaces of the future, and working to create a new global benchmark for innovative environmental and social sustainability practices within the construction industry.
They are presently also working on Aboriginal health system strategy reform in Australia. Steve has recently facilitated two scenario projects in South Africa relating to the future of healthcare and the socio-political and economic future of South Africa.
Steve is a speaker and lecturer at the Gordon Institute of Business Sciences, University of Pretoria on systems and scenario thinking and Leigh with the Australian and New Zealand School of Government on social system reform.