Dr Ernesto Sirolli, Local Economic Development authority, TED speaker, and author of “Ripples from the Zambezi – passion entrepreneurship and the rebirth of local economies“ and “How to Start a Business and Ignite your Life”.
23 March (2.15pm – 4.45pm) including afternoon tea
Join Ernesto’s Master Class to appreciate why 2 Million people have watched his TED talk so far. He will explain the “pull”, and the philosophical underpinnings of the Trinity of Management®.
This entertaining master class will develop skills in both entrepreneurs and those helping them by introducing you to a simple but effective language that reveals the secret of business success to even the inexperienced entrepreneur.
The Sirolli Enterprise Facilitation® uses a person-centered approach to entrepreneurial development steeped in the counselling tradition of Carl Rodgers and other humanistic psychologists. Ernesto and his Enterprise Faciltiation practitioners worldwide believe: “There is no geography to passion, and there is no geography to intelligence”.