Craig Mounsey

CEO of CMD a leading Australian design company; designer, businessman, strategist, lecturer and mentor

Master Class:

Experience Design Thinking in Action (2.15pm – 4.45pm, includes afternoon tea, Monday November 7th)

Craig is the CEO of CMD, an Australian design company. Under Craig’s stewardship the company has grown to be a major force in Australian design. He is acknowledged and respected as an industry leader with a significant portfolio of commercial successes and international awards.

Craig is committed to designing compelling user experiences that build stronger customer relationships. He believes that design has a mandate that extends well beyond the customer, providing us with an opportunity to balance the needs of the planet, people and profit.

Craig has over 25 years in the design industry. His experience spans a wide range of horizontal and vertical market sectors. His designs are everywhere, even featured in the National Design Museum in London.

Craig has fulfilled diverse roles as a designer, businessman, strategist, lecturer and mentor. He sits on government and industry steering committees and regularly delivers university seminars, public presentations and TED talks on the benefits of design.

Craig is also engaged as a lead Coach on New Zealand’s world leading design integration program, Better by Design.  He brings deep empathy to his role as a coach, drawing on his background as a designer and CEO, Craig has a good understanding of the tension leaders experience when balancing future aspirations with the needs of the moment.

The core of any organisation has foundations in its leaders philosophy and behaviours. Craig is a strong advocate of respect for the individual. This one thread is bound into a design approach that is orientated around user centred design and championing the experience of the end user.

An avid fan of outdoor life, Craig relaxes by sliding down mountains, coaching kids in the finer points of rugby and spending large amounts of time fly fishing. He has, amongst other things; sailed across the pacific and represented Australia in snowboarding and athletics, but that is another story…