Harnessing your Superintelligence

Raymond McCauley (USA)
Raymond is: Chair of Digital Biology at Singularity University, a Silicon Valley think tank devoted to training leaders about exponential technologies; Co-founder and Chief Architect for BioCurious, the hackerspace for biotech, a not-for-profit where professional scientists, DIYbio hobbyists and entrepreneurs come together to design the next big thing to come out of a Silicon Valley garage; Part of the team that developed next generation DNA sequencing at Illumina, where he worked in bioinformatics, cancer sequencing, and personal genomics.
13 November 2017, 2:15pm – 4:45pm (including afternoon tea)
About the Master Class:
Use these lessons learned from biotechnology and the biohacking underground to keep up better with a world in a state of permanent technology revolution.
You will learn to:
- Surf the progress waves of exponential technologies
- Use prototyping to beat planning methodologies
- Be interdisciplinary, for yourself or as part of a team
- Harness new tools like hacker spaces, crowd-sourcing
- Share best practices with other bootstrappers