Sam Sterling

Sam Sterling

Plenary 5:
The humanity in technology (11:00am – 12:30am, Wednesday November 15th)

Executive Strategy Director, Isobar

A skilled and highly effective strategist with more than 15 years’ experience, Sam forged her career in digital and technology roles across Australia, Europe and Asia and today specialises in reimagining organisations in the ever-changing landscape we now operate in.

Whether commercial or otherwise, the key to success of any enterprise is the ability to align organisational objectives with those of their customers. The triad that is made up of what people say they do, actually do and share about themselves provides us with unbelievably rich images of the individuals that make up our society. With the huge prevalence of digital interactions that make up our lives, we’re now able to paint such a detailed view of humans that we can know and predict them both individually and at scale often better than they can themselves, allowing us to design – sometimes in real time – solutions and experiences for groups as small as one.

Sam is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a Certified Practicing Marketer, holds two undergraduate business degrees and is currently completing her Masters at Harvard University.